Bladder Cancer

Bladder Cancer Playlist

Discover expert answers to practical questions about the treatment of early-stage bladder cancer, covering topics such as risk stratification, interpretation of clinical trial data on adjuvant I-O treatment, optimizing the collaboration between medical oncology and urology, and challenging patient cases. 

1. How do you define a high risk of recurrence?
    Answered by
Dr. Girish Kulkarni

2. What is the clinical relevance of DFS and DMFS in the context of pending OS data?
    Answered by Dr. Nimira Alimohamed 

3. How do you manage patients who refuse or are ineligible for chemotherapy?
    Answered by Dr. Aly-Khan Lalani and Dr. Michel Pavic 

4. What are best practices with regards to the collaboration between medical oncology and urology to ensure seamless patient care?
    Answered by Dr. Nimira Alimohamed and Dr. Girish Kulkarni 

5. What are the data supporting adjuvant I-O treatment options in UC?
    Answered by Dr. Michel Pavic and Dr. Aly-Khan Lalani

DFS: disease-free survival - DMFS: distant metastasis-free survival - I-O: immuno-oncology - OS: overall survival - UC: urothelial cancer